Marketing for the Moment - Be ready when opportunities arise!

In marketing, we know we should take advantage of the holidays, celebrations, and awareness events that happen each month, from Chinese New Year to Women’s History Month to Diabetes Awareness. These events offer social media opportunities to promote causes and events we believe in as well as  giving us an avenue to promote our brand’s mission, vision, products, and services. Oftentimes, they sneak up on us with all the things we are doing, so our advice... Plan Ahead!

Plan for the future by having a calendar of events and an action plan. 

  1. Print out this calendar by Social Media Today and the one from The American Library Association. Add any community/local events that are relevant to your business. Check with the Chamber of Commerce and ask them what events are on the calendar for the year.

  2. Highlight the events that you would like to participate in, and with your team, come up with content ideas and different ways you and your staff can get involved in those events that are important to your business, the people who work for you, and for your community.

  3. Start your action plan now. Create a calendar that covers how you will participate and how you will get the photos and videos you need. 

  4. Create an editorial calendar around events that you want to create content for and share on your blog and social media.

While it’s important for our marketing teams to be aware of these opportunities, it is also important that we strategize and wisely consider when and how to become part of the discussion.

  1. Make sure that it makes sense for your brand to participate in conversations about the event/celebration/date. You want to be genuine in your participation, and to do that, your brand needs to value the purpose/reason for a particular event or celebration. 

  2. Be part of conversations that are authentic and organic to your brand. 

Get creative with how you engage during these events. 

  1. Provide visuals. Your social media posts need to be visual!

  2. Record a fun video of you and your staff cheering the Groundhog not seeing his shadow,  especially if it signals that your landscape design business can start early with spring weather approaching! 

  3. Take a picture of your staff reading titles that support Black History Month.

  4. Video your team taking boxes of canned goods to a shelter during February which is Canned Food Month. 

Don’t forget your hashtags!

  1. As we have discussed, hashtags will help get your social media posts to new and future clients/customers, so make sure to join new conversations by adding:  #NationalPieDay #kindnessmatters, #lifeisgood!

There are a lot of opportunities throughout the year to authentically promote your brand and its mission/vision. Like everything else though, it requires a plan. At Anneomaly Digital, we would love to help you strategize and put that plan into action. Let’s talk!