Tips for Boosting Your Organic Facebook Impressions

So, what does “organic” mean? Well, it means FREE… ish. Free + your time. It is content that is being shared and liked and seen without paying/using Ads to get your content out there working for you. Since being seen and shared is a good thing when it comes to marketing and “free” is a good thing in all things almost always, it is a good idea to try it with your own campaigns!

Don’t stop the Ads!

It is worth mentioning that while we are going to give you some tips on how to get more views on your content organically, it is still important that you use a diversified approach. Paid ads on Facebook get people in the proverbial “door” so to speak. This gets your content out there and into the platform and seen by users. But, to keep those viewers and turn them into brand followers, you have to keep creating a steady flow of high quality, “organic” content. 

Following the guidelines for good content

Make sure you do the simple things right. It will help make your organic content compelling:

  • make sure it is interesting, exciting, educational

  • that it connects with people’s humanity and commonalities (love, relationships, atruggles, situations, wants, needs)

  • read up on Facebook’s Community Standards

Understand Facebook’s algorithm

Following and understanding what each platform is using to determine what content gets shared when and where is important. While it can be a little complex and hard to understand the intricacies, the basic things they are looking for are rather simple (note: they are always changing). Here are some basic takeaways:

  • Pictures and videos are a must!

  • Content that has lots of comments and shares (how well it is liked) are imperative

  • Newness of posts is important

What does that mean for you?

  • Share videos and pictures

  • Ask for viewers to participate by sharing a memory, a review, a thought

  • Ask the audience to share the content - give incentives and hold contests

Quality first, consistency second

The goal is to always post content that is quality and relevant. With that said, you should try to post 2-3 times a week. Again, you want to share content that gets likes and shares not content that just gets passed over. Determine with your team what number of quality posts is realistic for you to produce and post, and let that be your guide. 

***If you struggle to get only one post per week, it might be time to delegate.


Posting during high traffic times will get your content seen at a higher rate. According to Hootsuite, prime times for business to business content is 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays. Sproutsocial determined that prime time for business to consumer content is Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. and according to Hootsuite, Sunday is the highest traffic day. Of course, this depends on your target demographic. Using Facebook analytics will help you to determine a more precise window of when to target your specific audience!

Here is a chart from Sproutsocial:

Screen Shot 2021-03-19 at 1.39.26 PM.png

Now that you are a pro at the whole posting on social media, it is time to hone those skills into a precise science. Check out your Facebook analytics, evaluate your campaign, and its reception and engagement, and determine how you can do better to make your Facebook content work for you. If you need any help evaluating, strategizing, and creating content, Anneomaly Digital is here to help.